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  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
  • Development and debug of complex SoCs when paired with DS-5 Development Studio

  • 제조사 : ARM Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 9952
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Development and debug of complex SoCs when paired with DS-5 Development Studio

The ARM® DSTREAM High-Performance Debug and Trace unit enables powerful software debug and optimization on any ARM processor-based hardware target.

With features such as accelerated hardware bring-up for many development platforms and open debug interface for use with third-party tools, DSTREAM is a comprehensive solution for development and debug of complex SoCs when paired with DS-5 Development Studio.

동일계열 제품


새 페이지 5

Support for ARMv8 Lightning Fast
Debug and trace for ARM architecture versions v4 to v8. Whether it's legacy or the very latest, DSTREAM has it covered. Parallel trace up to 9.6 Gbps, or serial trace up to 20 Gpbs using the HSSTP Trace Probe.
4GB Trace Buffer Flexible Debug
Capture extended trace even on the fastest targets to get a detailed picture of software execution. Adapter for JTAG, CoreSight™, TI and MIPI. Compatible with 3rd party IP and debuggers to give you maximum flexibility.

Accelerated Development

FPGA acceleration delivers high download speeds and helps you step through your code super-fast on single and multicore devices. DSTREAM comes with an adapter for JTAG, CoreSight, TI and MIPI connectors to give you as much flexibility as possible, regardless of the device you are using in your project.

DSTREAM ships with powerful software utilities to assist with SoC bring-up and hardware validation. It also provides interfaces for third-party and custom tools. From initial development to device bring-up, make DS-5 and DSTREAM your debug solution.

High-bandwidth Trace

Trace is an essential tool for the resolution of complex software/hardware and timing-related issues, as it enables post-analysis of a software execution without the need for any software or hardware instrumentation.

The 4 GB trace buffer on DSTREAM enables high-bandwidth trace for long periods, providing further visibility of how the software executes on the target.

Trace can either be collected using the default parallel trace probe supplied with DSTREAM, or alternatively, using the High Speed Serial Trace Probe (HSSTP), available separately. This allows for high bandwidth serial trace capture of up to 20 Gbps from ARM HSSTP or Marvell® SETM.

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