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  • Vectorworks Spotlight
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Vectorworks Spotlight
유사 기능 제품
이미지 저작 및 편집 도구
P# OS언어제품구분버전소비자가공급가견적주문
MLP 영문 ESD 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요 2011 3,102,000 2,779,700 견적요청
MLP 영문 ESD with Renderworks 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요 2011 3,755,400 3,364,900 견적요청
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Vectorworks Spotlight

Change is good. And with Vectorworks Spotlight 2010, we’re making change easy. We’ve been polishing the gold standard in entertainment design software, so you can shine even brighter.



Benefits of Spotlight / Overview

Making Change Easy
Change is good. And with Vectorworks Spotlight 2010, we're making change easy. We're been polishing the gold standard in entertainment design software, so you can shine even brighter. Use the streamlined 3D environment to accurately visualize and change your design. Use the spectacular new event-planning suite to do the grunt work for you. Use the innovative entertainment design features to make your work a stand out. And, do it all at speeds faster than previous versions. Shine on.

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Spotlight Feature List

Create dynamic 2D and 3D designs, glide through your projects with a tightly streamlined interface, and access extensive features and resource libraries. Vectorworks Spotlight offers the features you want in a comprehensive, intuitive software that will multi-task just like you do.

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System Recommendations

Follow the link below to get the updated Spotlight system recommendations.

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VectorworksSpotlight2010,Vectorworks,Spotlight,2010, NemetschekNorthAmerica,I,NemetschekNorthAmerica,Inc.
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