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  • ZipTV C++ Builder
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ZipTV C++ Builder
  • ZipTV C++ Builder
  • The single solution for the management and development of secure archiving, storage, data backups, and data management

  • 제조사 : Microchip Data Systems Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 8067
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The single solution for the management and development of secure archiving, storage, data backups, and data management

ZipTV is the single solution for the management and development of secure archiving, storage, data backups, and data management. Supporting a wider range of popular archives, compression and encryption algorithms, compressed data manipulation tools & components than any other.

We want to thank the many new developers who have chosen ZipTV as their compression library in 2008. We have several new idea of useful compression components we hope to bring into the library this coming year. We promise to continue providing the best compression library and what we're best known for, excellent customer service and support.

동일계열 제품


Archive "Tool" Components
TArc2Arc Convert one archive to another (also useful for rebuilding archives). Approx. 15 archive types supported.
TArchiveEditor Change an archives compressed filenames, dates, and file-attributes. Supports wildcard edits. Supports .bh, .zip, .jar, .lha, .lzh, and .tar archives.
TMakeSFX Create SFX's (SelF eXecutable) archives.
Supports 9 different archive formats.
TTurboSearch Search entire directories of archives for specific text.
Approx. 15 archive types supported.
TZipCheck Verify integrity of multiple archive types.
TZipKey Retrieve "forgotten" password from zip archives. Now supporting word lists.
TFileScan Not a compression related component. Used internally by ZipTV for fast location of files matching filespecs. TFileScan supports multiple filespecs, an important feature not found in simular components.
*TZipTV* Archive viewer.
Front-end for all compress / decompress components
TZipView Display archive information in list format. Replaces slow TListView.
TztvPreviewDialog Open dialog that previews contents of archive before selecting for open.
TUnSFX Cut the SFX stub's from archives... returning to native archive format. Approx. 10 archive types supported.
TZipRun Shell component for extracting and running files from within archives.
TZipSearch Search archives for specific text.
Approx. 15 archive types supported.
TztvFindFile Find specific files (wildcards supported) within archives.
Approx. 15 archive types supported.
Compression / Encoding Components
TBlakHole Create blakhole archives. (our own archive format)
TBZip Compress single file using the BZip2 algorithm.
TGZip Create unix compatible gzip archives Supports gzip/tar format.
TJar Create jar archives (JavaSoft's .jar format).
TLha Create lha archives.
TCab Create Ms cabinet archives.
TTar Create unix compatible .tar archives.
TUUEncode Create UUE / XXE encoded files for email compatibility.
TZip Create pkzip compatible archives.
Decompression / Decoding Components
TUnACE Decompress .ace archives.


The operation of TArchiveStream is to decompress files within an any supported Archive type, irregardless of the origin of the stream or it's type.

Since there are many development implications with this component (internet/intranet streaming, port streaming, raw decompressed data handling (instant data handling, data searches, virus scanning, etc) supporting multiple archive types, we've developed this component with close adhearance to the KISS principle, thus providing the functionality with maximum flexability.
TUnARC Decompress .arc archives.
TUnARJ Decompress .arj archives.
TUnBH Decompress .bh (blakhole) archives.
TUnBZip Decompress single file BZip2
TUnCAB Decompress .cab archives.
TUnGZIP Decompress .gz .z .tar.gz archives.
TUnJAR Decompress .arj archives. (JavaSoft's .jar format)
TUnLHA Decompress .lha .lzh archives.
TUnRAR Decompress .rar archives.
TUnTAR Decompress .tar archives.
TUnZIP Decompress .zip archives (backward compatible with pkzip .90).
TUnZOO Decompress .zoo archives.
TUUDecode Decode UUE / XXE encoded files.
Multi-Volume (Split Archive) Components


Decendant of the TZip component. Combines with the TArchiveSplitter component to create user specified size, multi-volume archive, while compressing a .zip archive.
TArchiveSplitter Convert any existing zip file into a user specified size, multi-volume archive. Currently, only .zip archives are supported.
TZipSplitGlue Converts a multi-volume .zip archive back into a single .zip archive.
ZipTVC++Builder, MicrochipDataSystems,Microchip Data Systems
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